"CrimeNet: Neural Structured Learning using Vision Transformer for
violence detection"
F. Cappio Borlino, S. Polizzotto, B. Caputo, T. Tommasi F. J. Rendón-Segador, J. A. Álvarez-García , J. L. Salazar-González, T. Tommasi
Neural Networks, 2022
DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2023.01.048
"Self-supervision & meta-learning for one-shot unsupervised cross-domain detection"
F. Cappio Borlino, S. Polizzotto, B. Caputo, T. Tommasi
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2022
"End-to-end learning to grasp via sampling from object point clouds"
A. Alliegro, M. Rudorfer, F. Frattin, A. Leonardis, T. Tommasi
"Self-Supervised Learning Across Domains"
S. Bucci, A. D'Innocente, Y. Liao, F. M. Carlucci, B. Caputo, T. Tommasi
IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021
DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3070791 (arXiv)
"Positive-Unlabeled Learning for Open Set Domain Adaptation"
M. R. Loghmani, M. Vincze, T. Tommasi
Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2020.06.003
"Combining Multiple Cues for Visual Madlibs Question Answering"
T. Tommasi, A. Mallya, B. Plummer, S. Lazebnik, A. C. Berg, T. L. Berg
accepted at International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2018
DOI: 10.1007/s11263-018-1096-0 (arXiv Version here)

"What Would They Say? Predicting User’s Comments in Pinterest"
J. C. Gomez, T. Tommasi, S. Zoghbi and M. F. Moens
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14(4):2013-2019, 2016.DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2016.7483548
"Joint cross-domain classification and subspace learning for unsupervised adaptation"
B. Fernando, T. Tommasi, T. Tuytelaars, Pattern Recognition Letters, July 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2015.07.009.
"Location Recognition Over Large Time Lags"
B. Fernando, T. Tommasi, T. Tuytelaars. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, June 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2015.05.016.
"Learning Categories from few Examples with Multi Model Knowledge Transfer" T. Tommasi, F. Orabona, B. Caputo, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 36(5): 928-941, 2014.
"Improving Control of Dexterous Hand Prostheses Using Adaptive Learning"
T. Tommasi, F. Orabona, C. Castellini, B. Caputo, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 29(1):207–219, 2012.
"Using Object Affordances to Improve Object Recognition",
C. Claudio, T. Tommasi, N. Noceti, F. Odone, B. Caputo, IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 3(3):207–215, 2011.
"Learning Methods for Melanoma Recognition",
E. La Torre, B. Caputo, T. Tommasi, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 20(4):316–322, 2010.
"Discriminative Cue Integration for Medical Image Annotation",
T. Tommasi, F. Orabona, B. Caputo, Pattern Recognition Letters, 29(15):1996–2002, 2008. Winner of the Idiap Best Paper Award 2008.
A. Alliegro, F. Cappio Borlino, T. Tommasi
NeurIPS 2022 (code)
"Contrastive Learning for Cross-Domain Open World Recognition"
F. Cappio Borlino, S. Bucci, T. Tommasi
"Denoise and Contrast for Category Agnostic Shape Completion"
A. Alliegro, D. Valsesia, G. Fracastoro, E. Magli, T. Tommasi
CVPR 2021 (arXiv)
"On the Effectiveness of Image Rotation for Open Set Domain Adaptation"
S. Bucci, M. R. Loghmani, T. Tommasi
ECCV 2020 [supplementary]
"One-Shot Unsupervised Cross-Domain Detection"
A. D'Innocente, F. C. Borlino, S. Bucci, B. Caputo, T. Tommasi
ECCV 2020
"Rethinking Domain Generalization Baselines"
F. Cappio Borlino, A. D'Innocente, T. Tommasi
ICPR 2020

"Joint Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Real World Challenges"
A. Alliegro, D. Boscaini, T. Tommasi
ICPR 2020 (Oral)

"Bridging the gap between natural and medical images through deep colorization"
L. Morra, L. Piano, F. Lamberti, T. Tommasi
ICPR 2020 (arXiv)

"Tackling Partial Domain Adaptation with Self-Supervision"
S. Bucci, A. D'Innocente, T. Tommasi
Oral at ICIAP 2019. (arXiv) Winner of the Best Paper Award!

"Domain Generalization by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles"
F. M. Carlucci, A. D'Innocente, S. Bucci, B. Caputo, T. Tommasi
Oral at CVPR 2019 (arXiv)
"From source to target and back: Symmetric Bi-Directional Adaptive GAN"
P. Russo, F. M. Carlucci, T. Tommasi, B. Caputo
CVPR 2018. (arXiv)

"Adaptive Deep Learning Through Visual Domain Localization"
G. Angeletti, B. Caputo, T. Tommasi
ICRA 2018 (arXiv)

"Training Deep Networks without Learning Rates Through Coin Betting"
F. Orabona, T. Tommasi
NIPS 2017 (arXiv)
"Learning Deep Visual Object Models From Noisy Web Data: How to Make it Work"
N. Massouh, F. Babiloni, T. Tommasi, J. Young, N. Hawes and B. Caputo
IROS 2017 (arXiv)
"Solving Visual Madlibs with Multiple Cues"
T. Tommasi, A. Mallya, B. Plummer, S. Lazebnik, A. C. Berg, T. L. Berg,
BMVC 2016. (arXiv)

"Active Transfer Learning with Zero-Shot Priors: Reusing Past Datasets for Future Tasks"
E. Gavves, T. Mensink, T. Tommasi, C. G. M. Snoek and T. Tuytelaars
"A Deeper Look at Dataset Bias"
T. Tommasi, N. Patricia, B. Caputo, T. Tuytelaars, GCPR 2015. (suppl, arXiv)
"Multi-Souce Adaptive Learning for Fast Control of Prosthetics Hand"
N. Patricia, T. Tommasi, B. Caputo, ICPR 2014.
"Frustratingly Easy NBNN Domain Adaptation"
T. Tommasi, B. Caputo, ICCV 2013.
"Beyond Dataset Bias: Multi-task Unaligned Shared Knowledge Transfer"
T. Tommasi, N. Quadrianto, B. Caputo, C.H. Lampert, ACCV 2012.
"Leveraging over Prior Knowledge for Online Learning of Visual
Categories" T. Tommasi, F. Orabona, M. Kaboli, B. Caputo, BMVC 2012.
"Multiclass Transfer Learning from Unconstrained Priors"
L. Jie*, T. Tommasi*, B. Caputo, ICCV 2011. (* equal authors listed in alphabetic order)
"Object Recognition using Visuo-Affordance Maps"
A. Gijsberts, T. Tommasi, G. Metta, B. Caputo, IROS 2010
"Safety in Numbers: Learning Categories from Few Examples with Multi Model Knowledge Transfer", T. Tommasi, F. Orabona, B. Caputo, CVPR 2010.
"The more you know, the less you learn: from knowledge transfer to
one-shot learning of object categories", T. Tommasi, B. Caputo, BMVC 2009
"Kernel Methods for Melanoma Recognition",
E. La Torre, T. Tommasi, B. Caputo, G.E. Gigante, MIE 2006.
"Melanoma Recognition Using Representative and Discriminative Kernel Classifiers", T. Tommasi, E. La Torre, B. Caputo, CVAMIA 2006.
Workshop Papers & Minor Conferences
"Online vs. Offline Adaptive Domain Randomization Benchmark"
G. Tiboni, K. Arndt, G. Averta, V. Kyrki, T. Tommasi
International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics, 2022

"Transient-Fault-Aware Design and Training to Enhance DNNs Reliability with Zero-Overhead"
N. Cavagnero, F. dos Santos, M. Ciccone, G. Averta, T. Tommasi, P. Rech
International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS), 2022. (arXiv)

"Multi-Modal RGB-D Scene Recognition Across Domains"
A. Ferreri, S. Bucci, T. Tommasi
Deep Multi-Task Learning in Computer Vision (DeepMTL) workshop, ICCV 2021

"Hallucinating Agnostic Images to Generalize Across Domains"
F. M. Carlucci, P. Russo, T. Tommasi, B. Caputo,
TASK-CV Workshop at ICCV 2019

"Domain Generalization by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles"
S. Bucci, T. Tommasi
Poster at the Women in Computer Vision Workshop, CVPR 2019

"Learning the Roots of Visual Domain Shift"
T. Tommasi, M. Lanzi, P. Russo, B. Caputo, TASK-CV Workshop at ECCV 2016.

"A Testbed for Cross-Dataset Analysis"
T. Tommasi, T. Tuytelaars, TASK-CV Workshop at ECCV 2014.
"Beyond Metadata: Searching your Archive based on its Audio-Visual Content", T. Tommasi, R. Aly, K. McGuinness, K. Chatfield, R. Arandjelovic, O. Parkhi, R. Ordelman, A. Zisserman, T. Tuytelaars, IBC 2014.
"Does Evolution cause a Domain Shift?",
K. Rematas, B. Fernando, T. Tommasi, T. Tuytelaars, VisDA Workshop at ICCV 2013.
"Transferring Activities: Updating Human Behavior Analysis",
F. Nater*, T. Tommasi*, H. Grabner, L. Van Gool, B. Caputo, VS Workshop at ICCV 2011. (* equal authors listed in alphabetic order)
"Towards a quantitative measure of rareness",
T. Tommasi, B. Caputo, DIRAC Workshop at ECML 2010. (Included in "Detection and Identification of Rare Audiovisual Cues", volume 384 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2012)
"Overview of the CLEF 2009 Medical Image Annotation Track",
T. Tommasi, B. Caputo, P. Welter , Mark Oliver Güld and Thomas M. Deserno, CLEF workshop 2009. ImageCLEF Webpage
"An SVM Confidence-Based Approach to Medical Image Annotation",
T. Tommasi, F. Orabona, B. Caputo, CLEF workshop 2008.
"Cue Integration for Medical Image Annotation",
T. Tommasi, F. Orabona, B. Caputo, CLEF workshop 2007.
"Visual Domain Adaptation in the Deep Learning Era",
G.Csurka, T. M Hospedales, M. Salzmann, T. Tommasi
Morgan & Claypool Publishers
"A deeper Look at Dataset Bias",
T. Tommasi, N. Patricia, B. Caputo, T. Tuytelaars
Domain Adaptation in Computer Vision Applications, 37-55, September 2017.
Link to the Springer Series "Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition"
"Learning to learn new models of human activities in indoor settings",
F. Nater, T. Tommasi, L. Van Gool, and B. Caputo, Multimodal Interactive Systems Management, 156-172, September 2013.
"The Medical Image Classification Task",
T. Tommasi, T. Deselaers, ImageCLEF: The Information Retrieval Series, Volume 32, Part 2, 221-238, 2010.
"Idiap on Medical Image Classification",
T. Tommasi, F. Orabona, ImageCLEF: The Information Retrieval Series, Volume 32, Part 3, 453-465, 2010.